"The Way Home" - Tandi Venter
Deb has written a poignant and painful story about her friend "L", who struggled for years with an addiction to alcohol and died yesterday of that disease. Please go and read about it.
Alcoholism is a horrible disease. Peace to all who are on the journey to freedom.
And tonight, deep peace and rest to you "L". May you find in death what you could not find in this life.
I was deeply touched by Deb's story about L. As you know, we have a recovering alcoholic in our family. Each day of sobriety is a gift. Each sensible conversation a miracle. Each step into responsibility and ownership a paradoxical liberation.
Posted by: Connie Knighton | September 10, 2005 at 11:39 PM
Just tears and a big thank you...
Posted by: Deb | September 12, 2005 at 11:45 AM